We’re a nation of honey lovers and we have a long history of beekeeping. The crazy thing is most of the jars of honey on the shelves of our supermarkets are imported and blended from mysterious locations far, far away. Honey bee colonies are now rarely found in the wild so our honey bee population relies on beekeepers.
Our honey is unprocessed, unheated, unpasteurized. This quality of honey is sometimes wrongly called ‘raw honey’, but we call it ‘pure honey’.
Are you searching for the perfect food you can add to your table morning, noon and night? Are you considering the benefits honey can bring to you? For many centuries, honey has been a continued source of nourishment across the world. We believe that our pure honey is THE best honey you can buy.
To be labelled pure organic honey means nothing at all has been added. No sweeteners, oils or flavours.
· No additives or preservatives added
· Honey extracted from healthy bees
· Can be consumed raw – requires no processing
· Best value for money